Research and development


09 JUNE 2020

Estonian Medical Birth Registry and Estonian Abortion Registry

The Estonian Medical Birth Registry and Estonian Abortion Registry collect data on all births and abortions in Estonia.

The data to be collected make it possible to measure fertility in Estonia. The gathered data are also used in epidemiologic scientific research and for organizing of post-delivery health services and birth statistics.

The source document for the collection of Birth Registry's data is the Birth Card which is filled in for every child (live or stillbirth), who has born in Estonia. Data are gathered from all health institutions rendering obstetric services in Estonia.

The source document for collection of Abortion Registry's data is an Abortion Card which is filled in for every abortion that has taken place in a health care institution by all health care institutions (incl. private doctors) who do abortions or provide medical care to women who have had an abortion.

The Estonian Medical Birth Registry was introduced in 1991 and includes data since 1. January 1992. The Estonian Abortion Registry started in 1994. The Estonian abortion statistics has been based on the data of the Estonian Abortion Registry since 1996.

Issuing and publishing of data:


Kärt Allvee
Head of Registry
Tel: +372 659 3993