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Outpatient and home visits, 2016

24 OCTOBER 2017

The number of physicians and nurses outpatient visits for 2016 is published in Health Statistics and Health Research Database.

The number of physicians' outpatient visits decreased by 1.6% in 2016 compared to 2015. Paediatricians', vascular surgeons’ and rehabilitation physicians’ visits decreased the most, 11%, 8% and 7% respectively. Family doctors made 1.5% less visits and dentists made 1% more visits than in 2015.

The number of physicians' home visits is decreasing continuously. In 2016, physicians made 7% less home visits than in 2015. The family doctors made 2,600 (7%) and oncologists 500 (9%) home visits less than in previous year.

The physicians in Estonia made about 10 million outpatient visits in 2016 (visits and home visits total). The average number of visits per physician was 2,100 in 2016. However, family doctors made more than 5,100 visits on average, and the dentists about 2,200 visits.

The number of independent outpatient and home visits of nurses has increased in 2016 compared to previous year, 16% and 13% respectively. The average number of independent visits per one nurse was 368, including 294 outpatient and 73 home visits.

In Estonia, the average number of physicians' outpatient visits per one person was 8, with 3.2 visits to family doctor and 1.4 visits to dentist.



Dental visits work and visits, 2016

24 OCTOBER 2017

Data about dental visits and work in 2016 is published in the Health Statistics and Health Research Database.

Last year, 1.5 million dental care visits were made in Estonia and more than 1.03 million teeth were treated. Compared to previous year, there was no remarkable change in the number of dental visits. At the same time, the number of patients who visited dentist increased by 1.2% and the number of treated teeth decreased by 2%. The average rate of dental care visits per capita was 1.1 and it has not changed significantly since the year 2009.

There was also no significant change in the number of prosthetic visits, but the number of patients who got the prostheses increased by 2%.

There has been a significant growth in orthodontic visits, which increased by 10%. In 2016, total of 147,000 visits were made to orthodontists. For the second year row, there were more orthodontic visits for adults than for children – 52% of all orthodontic visits were made by adults. The number of patients who visited orthodontists increased by almost a one-fifth – 45,003 persons visited orthodontist and about 20,000 orthodontic appliances were installed, which is 15% more than in previous year. The number of clinics that offers orthodontic treatment increased also by 6% in 2016.

The number of placed dental implants increased by 17% compared to previous year.

In 2016, there was 20,388 visits to dental hygienists, which is 12% more than the year before and about one-fifth were children’s visits.
In 2016, the number of dental X-rays was about 290,000 and it showed 2.8% increase compared to the year 2015.



Surgical procedures, 2016

11 OCTOBER 2017

Inpatient, day care and outpatient and also emergency surgery statistics, surgical procedures data by Hospital Masterplan hospitals and data for operating theatres and recovery rooms for 2016 is published in Health Statistics and Health Research Database.

About 75,000 inpatients and 56,000 day care patients were operated in 2016. Comparing to 2015, the number of operated inpatients was the same and the number of operated day care patients increased by 3.8%.



Health care personnel's wages, March 2017

18 OCTOBER 2017

2017 data for gross hourly wages and gross monthly wages of health care personnelwere published in the Health Statistics and Health Research Database.

Average gross monthly wage of health care personnel increased, but the growth wasn´t so high as in previous year.

Average gross monthly wage of full-time physicians together with all additional remunerations was 2537 euros, and increased by 2.7% compared to 2016. The monthly wage of nurses remained at the level of 2016: 1249 euros. Average wage of caring personnel was 794 euros, increased by 2.7% compared to previous year. Last year wage growth was significantly higher – for physicians nearly 10%, for nurses 9.1% and for caring personnel 14.6%.

At the same time, there is a clear tendency in reduction of premiums in the health care sector. Average gross hourly wage (with premiums) of physicians working full- and part-time decreased by 1.1%. Nurses and caring personnel hourly wage decreased accordingly by 3.2% and 1.9%. Average gross hourly wage of physicians was 13.33 euros in March. The hourly wage of nurses and caring personnel was 6.48 and 3.97 euros per hour respectively.

The state average monthly wage increased more than health care personnel average wage within a year. Compared to last year, the state average monthly wage increased by 5.7% and it was 3 percentage points higher than physicians wage growth. Still the average wage of physicians is 2.2 times higher than the state average wage.

In the state owned companies, the average wage of physicians is nearly one-fifth higher, for nurses by 10% and for caring personnel by 6.5% higher than the average wage of these occupations total.

Health care personnel's wages data by Hospital Masterplan hospitals are also available in database.



Hospital and day care discharges and hospital beds, 2016

04 OCTOBER 2017

Hospital beds, 2016
Inpatient and day care beds statistics for 2016 are published in the Health Statistics and Health Research Database. Additionally, hospital beds data about the hospitals that belong to the Hospital Master Plan is also available in the database (tables HH08, RV701, RV711).

According to data, 225,445 patients got inpatient care during 2016; and 81,812 patients were treated in day care. As in previous years, the number of inpatients continued to decrease (by -2.9%) and the number of day care patients to grow (by 3.8%). The average length of stay in inpatient care was 8.2 days and the average number of patients per hospital bed during a year (bed turnover) was 32.8.

Hospital and day care discharges, 2016
Statistics for hospital and day care discharges in 2016 is also published in database. Causes of treatment are shown by age group, sex, average length of stay and county where is the health care provider's location (database tables PH01–PH4). Starting from year 2016, data on nursing care is given separately in hospital care discharges tables. In addition, acute care hospital discharges by diagnosis, age group and patient's place of residence county according to Estonian e-health records (table PH5) for 2016 is available.