Research and development


03 JULY 2019

E-health information system

The e-health information system or e-health or eHIS is the Estonian digital central system between healthcare providers. The healthcare institutions that have joined the e-health system transmit there medical episodes (epicrisis) and other medical records to exchange information with each other.

The eHIS as a database has been established by the Health Services Organization Act (see Chapter 51. "Health Information System").

In the eHIS, health-related data is processed, inter alia, for keeping medical registries and compiling health statistics.

The purpose of introducing a new data source is the transition from the collection of health care providers’ aggregated data to the use of personal health data for statistical purposes. This will reduce the reporting burden on data providers, provide more diverse and detailed statistics to data users and improve the quality of health statistics.

For this purpose, we regularly evaluate the data quality of the eHIS.