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Incidence of newborns, 2017


According to the data from Medical Birth Registry, 13,630 live births were in 2017. Of those, 3,843 were born with an illness. It means that nearly one third of newborns are diagnosed with an illness. Data about incidence of newborns are available here.

Similarly to previous years, most of the illnesses diagnosed belonged to the group 'other newborn diseases', followed by disorders related to short gestation and low birth weight, and congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities.

Estonian Causes of Death Registry registered 45 stillbirths in 2017. Major cause of stillbirths was intrauterine hypoxia. Data about stillbirths are published here.



Mental and behavioural disorders were diagnosed more than a year earlier


In 2017, the number of diagnoses of mental and behavioural disorders increased 2% compared to 2016.

According to the data collected from psychiatric service providers, 101,720 persons were consulted for the first time or repeatedly by psychiatrists in 2017. There were a quarter more women than men among the psychiatrists’ patients, but twice as many boys as girls.

93,056 persons were diagnosed with a mental or behavioural disorder, of which 27,050 were new cases, i.e. 5% more than in 2016. In recent years the number of persons directed to hospital treatment has been decreasing and there were percentage less hospitalized persons than a year earlier. The average duration of hospital treatment was 18 days as in the last few years.

The most frequently diagnosed mental and behavioural disorders are neurotic and stress-related disorders, and mood disorders (including depression). In 2017 these diagnoses were registered accordingly in 25% and 21% of cases. A third of new cases were diagnosed as neurotic and stress-related disorder: the incidence rates were almost 6 cases per 1000 men and 8 cases per 1000 women. As for women, the second most frequent diagnosis group of new cases was mood (affective) disorders — almost 6 cases per 1000 women. The second frequent mental and behavioural disorder for men was due to use of psychoactive substance (alcohol, narcotic substances), from which a fifth of men consulted by a psychiatrist suffered. There were almost four times more men than women with such a diagnosis with more than 4 first-time cases per 1000 men registered. In 2017, 69% of the mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance were due to use of alcohol and 15% due to use of opioids.

The statistics on mental and behavioural disorders in 2017 has been published in the Health Statistics and Health Research Database of National Institute for Health Development. The data is accessible under the database topics "Morbidity" -> "Mental and behavioural disorders".



Cancer screening programme statistics, 2017


In 2017, 55.9% of women attended mammography screening, who were invited to breast cancer screening programme. The coverage by examination was even lower among those, who were invited to cervical cancer or colorectal cancer screening – 50.7% and 36% respectively, according to data of National Institute for Health Development.

Estonian Cancer Screening Registry's 2017 data about cancer screening programme target population and coverage by examination is published in Health Statistics and Health Research Database.



Life expectancy and healthy life years, 2017


Men live healthy 74% by average of their lifetime (54.5 years) and women 72% (59 years) among those who was born in 2017. Healthy life years have grown by 3 and half months compared with data of 2016. The proportion of time lived with health-related limitations affecting daily activities for Estonian men was 19.2 years and for women 23.3 years. 

Statistics Estonia data about life expectancy and healthy life years in 2017 has added to Health Statistics and Health Research Database under subject "Population" -> Life expectancy and Healthy life years.



The use of infertility treatment in Estonia is increasing again and largely due to the patient’s own funding

18 JULY 2018

Estonian State Agency of Medicines data shows that 2863 assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycle procedures took place in 2017. Compared with 2016, it has increased by 5%. Over the past three years (2014–2016), the number of ART cycles decreased. However, the level of 2013, when there were 3097 ART cycles, has not been achieved yet. Data is available at health statistics and health research database.

Infertility treatment increased most – about by one third - in age group 41 and older. Almost half of the ART cycles were performed for age group 34 and younger. However, compared to 2016, the number of ART cycles in this age group has decreased by 2%.

The most – about by one third – increased use of IUI method. In IUI sperm is placed directly in the woman’s womb with a special catheter. IUI is performed for male infertility or for female factor infertility due to cervical issues. The costs of this method is not covered by state.

Most common used ART method was ICSI – 36% of all ART cycles were performed using ICSI method. ICSI method is used in case of sever male infertility. Another popular method was FET – 33% of all ART cycles were performed using FET method.

In previous years most commonly two embryos were transferred during one procedure. In 2017 this trend changed and the most common was the single embryo transplantation. Therefor the number of transferred embryos and zygotes decreased about 8% compared to 2016.

Last year the fertility treatment increased, but national spending on that declined. Th artificial insemination related cost formed 1.398 million euros total, which was tenth less than in 2016.

In 2016 with clinical pregnancy ended 803 artificial inseminations, which is 29% of performed ART cycles.

In 2017, 430 children was born via artificial insemination in Estonia according to Estonian Medical Birth Registry. Which is 61 children more than in 2016 and it accounts 3% of all live births.