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The number of births has slightly decreased compared to the previous year

18 JUNE 2020

In 2019, a total of 13,953 children were born in Estonia, which is 328 children less than a year earlier and the number of abortions at the woman's own request decreased, according to the latest data from the Estonian Medical Birth Registry and Estonian Abortion Registry.

Of all 13,896 children born last year, the mother's place of residence was Estonia, and in 57 cases the mother's place of residence was outside Estonia. A total of 13,731 women gave birth: in 13,512 cases one child was born, twins were born 216 and triplets 3 times.

At the woman's own request, the number of abortions decreased within a year by 40 to 3,580. The number of voluntary termination of pregnancy has been on a steady downward trend since 1996. The number of medically-indicated terminations was 192.

Births and abortions statistics is published in the Health Statistics and Health Research Database.



Mental and behavioural disorders statistics 2019

17 JUNE 2020

Mental and behavioural disorders statistics for 2019 has been published in the Health Statistics and Health Research Database.

Statistical data collected from Estonian psychiatric service providers shows that in 2019 nearly 104,700 people turned to psychiatrist outpatient appointment, 1,000 more than in 2018. Mental and behavioural disorder was diagnosed for 94,600 of them, i.e on average every 14th person in Estonia. Compared to 2018, mental and behavioural disorders were diagnosed 2% more, mainly due to an increase in the number of women admitted to a psychiatrist with a mental health problem.

The most frequent diagnoses were anxiety and stress-related disorders, occurring in 27% of men and 41% of women new cases. Mood disorders were the second more common disorder for women, occurring two times frequently than for men. The second most common diagnosis for men was mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use, mostly by the abuse of alcohol which were reported nearly four times more than for women.



The Health Statistics and Health Research Database got an updated look and a better search function

09 JUNE 2020

The National Institute for Health Development introduced a newer version of the database (available in Estonian and English) when publishing health statistics – the database with the updated design retained the current structure, but the search function and overall stability got improved. The implementation of the new version is necessary to ensure that the data is always available.

The statistics is gathered from the medical registers of the institute, health statistics collected from health care providers, health behaviour surveys and other institutions that process health-related data. The new version of the database contains all the data that was available in the previous one.
The database already contains 1724 tables, which gives an overview of Estonian health sector and people’s health status. The data are grouped by areas:

  • population,
  • morbidity,
  • use of health services and reasons for treatment,
  • health resources and their use,
  • health and health behaviour,
  • statistics on medicines,
  • data for health profiles, and
  • statistics on Estonian National Health Information System.

The search now works over the database – previously it was only topic-based, which hindered finding of the needed data. There are two ways to find the data you want, either by browsing the structure of the database tree and finding a topic of interest, or by entering a search term or the code of a specific table into the search box. In order for the search, it is recommended to add an asterisk at the end of the abbreviated search term (e.g. alco*, which finds keywords as alcohol, alcoholic, etc).

As before, the database allows to compile data tables, to organise the data between rows and columns as needed and to download them in a suitable format. In addition to tables, you can create various graphs and save them. The data in the database is machine readable (API capability).
The release calendar informs about the release times of new statistics. The data of new cases of malignant neoplasms has the longest time series currently – data have been published since 1968. The most recent topic in the database is the harm reduction service’ statistics that was released in January, and new data will be added every quarter.



Abortions 2019

11 JUNE 2020

The 2019 statistics from Estonian Abortion Registry is published in the Health Statistics and Health Research database.



Estonian health care personnel, Nov 2019

05 JUNE 2020

There were a total of 24,740 health care workers in Estonia in November 2019, and their number has grown by an average of 2 percent per year since 2013. The number of family nurses has grown steadily over the past five years, according to the newly published data of the National Institute for Health Development.

In 2019, there were 3.5 physicians and 6.2 nurses per thousand inhabitants in Estonia, i.e. an average of 1.8 nurses per one physician. "In comparison with European countries, we are close to average in terms of number of physicians and among the countries where there are significantly fewer nurses than average in terms of nurses," explained Katrin Tomson, an analyst at the Department of Health Statistics.

4603 physicians worked last year in Estonia and it has grown by an average of 0.6% per year over the last five years. The average age of physicians, 51 years, has not changed.

The data of health care workers can be found in the Health Statistics and Health Research Database in the section “Health care resources and their use”, by selecting the link “Health care personnel”. The data of the hospitals of the Hospital Network Development Plan can be found under the link “Hospital Network Development Plan hospitals” and the data of health care institutions can be found under the link “Health care providers”.