

10 OCTOBER 2019

Surgical procedures 2018

In 2018, surgery was done for 74,000 inpatient care and 61,100 day care patients in Estonia. Compared to the previous year, there were 7.6% more people operated in day care and almost 2% more in inpatient care, according to surgical procedures data released today by the National Institute for Health Development (NIHD).

The main reason for the increase in day surgery procedures was the increased funding of the Estonian Health Insurance Fund for cataract. Day surgery for children (0-14 years), in turn, declined (4%) according to health statistics, mainly due to reduced oral and pharyngeal procedures.

Inpatient and day surgery are still provided in all counties, with most patients operated in central and regional hospitals (89% of inpatient and 68% of day care). Emergency abdominal surgery was performed in 2018 in all counties except Jõgeva County.

In inpatient care, the most frequent were musculoskeletal and digestive system surgeries, in day care eye and female genital organs operations.

View inpatient, day and outpatient surgery data published in the Health Statistics and Health Research Database. There is also a table KP15 including Health Information System surgery data. Selected surgical statistics for the Hospital Network Development Plan hospitals are published here (tables HH071–HH074). Operating room information is available here.